Welcome to prayforthehomeless.org. This site offers you the opportunity to meet someone who is homeless and pray for them. We also include people who have recently been homeless and are in recovery from homelessness. They all have one thing in common: they need the power and blessings of your prayers. A small percentage of the homeless are able to stay in public shelters or other temporary accommodations for short periods, but the majority of these people sleep in abandoned buildings, warehouses or under bridges each night. We invite you to pick a different person to pray for each week and share this idea with a friend. This site is in the process of development. You can expect it to grow and change over the coming weeks and months. We invite your feedback and comments by email at prayforthehomeless@gmail.com.

We have added a feedback feature that allows you to click to indicate your committment to pray, write or email others. Providing this response will let others know which homeless have many people praying for them and which ones are still waiting for prayer. At the bottom of this page click on "OLDER POSTS" to see more homeless prayer candidates.

J.D. H. - Prayer candidate 123

J.D. is 45 years old and is origianally from Houston, Texas. He moved to Birmingham over 15 years ago to work in a position as an ultra-sonic pipe tester for US Steel. He has spent over a decade of his life in homelessness living on the street due to alcohol addiction. This past year he graduated from a 1 yr. life recovery program and has celebrated over 18 months of sobriety. In October 2009 he moved into a new apartment which he shares with another member of the homeless community who is undergoing cancer treatment. J.D. has worked at UAB Hospital through a temporary labor company for the past 7 months in the maintenance department. He hopes to be hired on full-time soon. J.D. is a constant volunteer at Church of the Reconciler where he is a communion steward in worship. He is always source of wise counsel and encouragement to those who seek recovery from addiction. J.D. asks that you pray for continued strength in his recovery process and increased spiritual discipline in his faith journey.

Update:  Over the Christmas holidays J.D. experienced some devastating personal news. After working for many months as a temp at UAB Hospital he was just about to be hired full-time. A few days after attending his new employee orientation seminar he was informed the hospital would be unable to hire him full time because 8 years ago he had a felony conviction for possession of a controlled substance. The job he had worked so many months to earn slipped through his fingers inspite of stellar performance reviews and letters of recommendation from his supervisors. This crushing news caused J.D. to experience a temporary relapse in his addiction . He is now alcohol free again and seeking to find a new job with a company that will hire someone with a previous felony conviction. Please pray that he will find new employment, as well as peace and healing from this experience.

Update:  J.D. was unable to find new employment and maintain his recovery. He lost his apartment and is once again living in a homeless camp near the railroad tracks. He is really struggling with alcohol addiction and needs your support in prayer each day. He could really benefit from cards and letter of encouragement.

Email this prayer request to a friend by clicking on the envelope below.

Additional Candidates

Candidates appear in the order they were entered, beginning with the newest candidates at the top of the page and the candidates who have been on the site the longest at the bottom of the page. Click on Older Posts to see more prayer candidates or Home to return to the first page. You can also search for a particular candidate by entering their candidate number or name in the Google Search Box at the bottom of the right hand column of this page. All prayer candidates on this site have been entered since November 2009.