Rick is 32 years old and originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. He has been homeless for many years. Rick is very mentally handicapped and lives on the street. He is has a large frame and is one of the largest of the men in the homeless community, weighing over 300 lbs. Ironically, he is one of the most childlike people on the street. He always has a happy smile and enjoys being greeted warmly. His communication skills are very limited, so it is hard to gather much information about his history. In the mornings Rick eats breakfast at Church of the Reconciler and participates in the homeless day program until it closes at noon. In the afternoons and evenings he can be seen wandering the streets of downtown Birmingham all alone, waiting for another night to pass so he can go back to the church and stay at the day program. Please pray that he will stay warm and dry this winter. His one personal prayer request is, “Pray that one day I get a job.”
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